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Joga za otroke – predstavitev in vpis

September 11, 2021 @ 10:00 - 11:00 Free
Pridružite se nam v soboto, 11.9., ob 10.00 na predstavitveni urici joge za otroke v Nush Yoga Shali v Luciji (navodila kako do nas si preberite spodaj).
Ure joge za otroke so zelo drugačne od tistih za odrasle. Otroški OM je glasen, pozdrav soncu vesel in nasmejan, urice polne domišljije in čarovnije. Veliko se igramo, pojemo, smejemo in zabavamo.
Urice joge za otroke Maša in joga so primerne za otroke stare od 3 do 10 let. Na predstavitev pa ste vabljeni tudi starši, ki pri jogi aktivno sodelujete.
Pridite v udobnih oblačilih in imejte s sabo dovolj vode. Če imate blazino za jogo jo prinesite s sabo, nekaj jih imamo tudi mi. Predvsem pa ne pozabite na dobro voljo in domišljijo.
Število mest je omejeno, zato sprejemamo prijave na nush.yoga@gmail.com.
Where are we?
Nush Yoga Shala is located in the industrial zone of Lucija, at Liminjanska 94d (if you use GPS, I recommend that you enter the number 96 instead, so it won't take you on the wrong side).
Directions: From the main Koper-Sečovlje road, turn towards the Lucija industrial zone at the roundabout (turn left from the direction of Koper, right from the direction of Sečovlje) and follow the priority road. When you pass Agraria and Eurospin, at the intersection do not follow the priority right towards the police, but turn LEFT. Drive along this road until you see a large brick building on the right, and next to it is a glass building that houses the Shala - first floor. Parking is available directly next to the building.


September 11, 2021
10:00 - 11:00
Event Categories:


Nush Yoga Shala


Nush Yoga Shala
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