
The 12 Laws of Karma

Karma is equivalent to Newton's law, which states that every action must have a reaction.

Every thought, word, action has a certain consequence. Karma is often understood as some kind of punishment, but the law of cause and effect is intended for learning and development.


The 12 Laws of Karma:

1. The Great Law – The law of cause and effect

When most people talk about karma, they are probably referring to the great law of cause and effect. According to this law, whatever thoughts or energy you give out, you get back - good or bad. In order to get what we want, we must embody these things and be worthy of them. It's a concept: you reap what you sow. For example, if we want love in life, we must first be loving to ourselves.

2. The Law of Creation/Creation

The law of creation emphasizes the importance that life does not just happen to us. If we want to  things happen to us in life, we need to act instead of waiting for them to magically appear. What can we let go of to make room for what we want? How can we use our skills, talents and strengths to create something that benefits not only us but others?

3. The law of humility

The Law of Humility is based on the principle that we must first humbly accept that our current reality is the result of our past actions. Only then can we make changes.

4. The law of growth

Growth begins within us. If we want to positively shape the world, we have to start with ourselves. This is because real change or personal growth begins with what we have control over, which is ourselves, not others. Our outer reality will change and grow as we grow and develop within.

 5. Liability law

The law of responsibility is about taking responsibility for everything that happens in our lives, including bad things. We are responsible for how we choose to live life. It's a great reminder to look for the cause of our problems within ourselves instead of outside.

6. The Law of Connection

This law is based on the principle that everything in our lives, including past, present and future, is connected. Who we are today is the result of our past actions,

and who we will be tomorrow will be the result of our actions today.

7. Law of focus

Focusing on too many things at once can slow us down and lead to frustration and negativity. Therefore, the Law of Focus encourages us to focus on one thing at a time. When we focus on spiritual values, love, peace, we will not have lower impulses like resentment, greed, lust and anger.

8. The Law of Giving and Hospitality

This law of karma is about selflessness, giving to others. It is necessary to give things in which we really believe. This law helps us understand the meaning of our actions and reflects our deeper beliefs. For example, if we want to live in a peaceful world, we must focus on cultivating peace for others.

9. Law here and now

If we want to experience peace of mind, we must embrace the present. This can only happen if we let go of negative thoughts or behaviors from our past. If we focus too much on past events, we will continue to relive them.

10. Law of change

If we find ourselves in the same situation again and again, this is the law of change in action. The universe thus encourages us to learn a lesson. The pattern will continue to repeat itself until we learn from the experience and do something different to evolve into a better version of ourselves and stop the vicious cycle.

11. The Law of Patience and Reward

This karmic law basically means that consistent work pays off. It's about being consistent and not backing down from our big goals, even if we don't see progress yet.

12. The Law of Meaning and Inspiration

We all play an important role and can contribute something to this world. What we share sometimes seems small, insignificant, but it can make a big difference in someone else's life. We were born with a special gift, mission and purpose that only we can bring to the world with our uniqueness. Every personal contribution is at the same time a contribution to the whole.



The 12 Laws of Karma can serve as a guide or map for us to follow in our daily lives. These laws can help us understand how karma really works and the effect our thoughts and actions can have on us and the world around us. Using karma as a set of guidelines in our lives can encourage us to pay more attention to our thoughts, actions and actions before making decisions.

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