
First of all, let me honestly say that before I met her for the first time, I underestimated yoga a lot (some of them just lie there and don't care at all, today I know that's not the case)... In January of this year, I saw a shared post by Nuše on Facebook, which attracted me to it. since I decided to try it... I can't say that I felt and noticed changes in the first hour, but it was good and I decided to walk... Today, after more than three months, I can say that I am grateful, that I made this decision... I see Nuša as a very positive and open person... I could listen to her for hours... I can say that she is one of the people who fill me with positive energy... She taught me how to relax, notice how I feel ... which I think is very important in the pace of life we live... Nuša, thank you for being there.