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October 2021

Joga malo drugače – kako popestriti in poglobiti svojo jogijsko prakso (ONLINE DELAVNICA) Free
October 23, 2021 @ 10:00 - 11:30
Nush Yoga Shala Slovenia + Google Map

Se vam zdi, da ste se ujeli v rutino svoje jogijske prakse? Vas ne veseli več toliko, kot včasih, si jo želite popestriti ali poglobiti, pa ne veste kako?

Vabim vas na brezplačno delavnico, na kateri bomo na nekatere joga položaje in jogijska vprašanja pogledali malo drugače.


November 2021

AEQ breathing workshop with Karim 15€
November 28, 2021 @ 19:00 - 20:30
Nush Yoga Shala Slovenia

Na tokratnem večeru v sklopu programa Pogled vase bomo pozornost ponovno namenjali dihanju - tokrat sem povabila gostujočega učitelja Karima Al Saleha, da nam predstavi svoje znanje o dihanju. Namen  delavnice je raziskovanje AEQ dihanja in spoznavanje in razumevanje vpliva stresnih dogodkov, poškodb in čustvenih travm na dihanje in gibanje.


January 2022

108 pozdravov soncu za popoln vstop v novo leto donacije
January 4, 2022 @ 19:30 - 21:00
Nush Yoga Shala Slovenia

V novo leto 2021 bomo vstopili polni energije in zagona. S 108 pozdravi soncu bomo priklicali eno čudovito leto, polno sonca, svobode in obilja! Ura bo potekala online, da se nas lahko združi čim več. Več kot nas bo, močnejši val pozitivne energije bomo ustvarili - naj se razširi po vsej Sloveniji in drugod!


February 2022

Workshop: Yoga in pairs 25€
February 14, 2022 @ 19:30 - 20:30
Nush Yoga Shala Slovenia

On Valentine's Day, we have prepared a special workshop for you in which we will perform yoga in pairs. We will learn how to connect more with the help of yoga positions, increase mutual trust, help each other, and above all, have fun while doing it.

Yoga for the Soul - Yoga as Lived in India by Dinesh Chander 25€
February 26, 2022 @ 08:00 - 09:30
Nush Yoga Shala Slovenia

One of my favorite teachers from Rishikesh, India, will derive the ultimate practice just for us. This will be held in English.

Man as emotion in motion - workshop with Karim Al Saleh (OM-line Festival) 25€
February 26, 2022 @ 10:00 - 11:30
Nush Yoga Shala Slovenia

The purpose of the workshop is to explore the AEQ of breathing and learn and understand the impact of stressful events, injuries and emotional traumas on breathing and movement, and explain the connection between emotions and breathing. For everyone who attended Karim's AEQ movement workshop in November: this will be an upgrade or continuation of that workshop. However, it is designed in such a way that all those who did not attend the first workshop can participate.


March 2022

Free Webinar: The Truth About Yoga
March 10, 2022 @ 19:00 - 20:30
Nush Yoga Shala Slovenia

Truth is lost when we stop looking for it, when we stop exploring and questioning. If we just uncritically accept and absorb information, we don't even notice when lies become our truth. Despite the fact that we are in the 21st century and information is more accessible to us than ever before, there is still a lot of false and even harmful information about the practice of yoga. My education and search for truth led me to many realizations that completely changed my view of yoga and the way I teach it. I want to share these insights with you.

Free workshop: Learn about FUNCTIONAL yoga Free
March 31, 2022 @ 19:00 - 20:30
Nush Yoga Shala Slovenia

Yoga is a unique practice, but its true meaning and utility has been lost in all the acrobatics and focus on form. This kind of yoga might look good on Instagram, but it's not functional. When we talk about functionality, we are by no means only talking about the physical aspect of yoga, and functional yoga is not just another type of yoga, but an approach that can be applied to all types. You are invited to discover yourself in a completely new way - functional yoga is the yoga of the future and Nush Yoga Shala is bringing it to Slovenia!


May 2022

Workshop: Conscious breathing for a full life - with Kristina Medja 15€
May 8, 2022 @ 19:00 - 21:00
Nush Yoga Shala Slovenia

It is interesting to note that we inhale about 20,000 times a day and are still unaware of the power of our breath.

You are invited to an online lecture with a practical breathing and meditation workshop, where you will learn the basics of your breath and learn to use it for a better quality of life.


July 2022

Cocoa ritual at sunrise with sea meditation and SUP yoga 55€
July 24, 2022 @ 05:30 - 09:00
Nush Yoga Shala Slovenia + Google Map

You are invited to a very special event that has never happened before - spend a magical morning by the sea and on the sea, open your heart and connect with nature in a unique way. 

We will start with a cocoa ceremony and sea meditation at sunrise, continue with yoga on SUPs, and finish with a delicious Maša breakfast. The gathering will last about 3 hours and will take place in Strunjan.

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