
How to manage stress?

Due to the situation in the world, which has no end in sight, we have all been under severe emotional stress for a year and a half. Some of us are afraid that we or our loved ones will get sick, others wonder how we will survive financially, others worry about limiting freedom, the future of the country and the world. This is by no means an easy period for anyone, but that's why it's all the more important to pay attention to stress and its consequences on our health... (click on the image above for the full post)

What if we just let it go?

How many clothes do you have in your closet that you know you'll never wear again, but are still hanging there just in case? How many gadgets, decorations, books and shoes that we simply do not need?

What do we accumulate in life and what do we cling to? Often these are objects with which we try to fill the void ("I'm not enough"), but we can also accumulate and cling to certain thoughts, ideas, worries, expectations, results, relationships.

The more we accumulate (material possessions, thoughts, worries, ideas, expectations), the more heavy burden we put on ourselves. We burden ourselves not only with physical but also with energy baggage, the more we are attached to it, the more we worry about losing it... (click image above for full post)

What have you stolen already?

I like to see myself as an honest person who would not intentionally steal anything. Don't we all see ourselves like that?

The truth is that I have also stolen a lot in my life… (click on the image above for the full post)

How honest are you with yourself and others?

Truth and honesty have always been very important to me. I have always prided myself on being honest and fair with others - this was an important virtue for me.

But in searching and expressing the truth, I hurt a lot of people. I believed that I had to be honest no matter what, direct, without embellishments, and I didn't consider other people's feelings. I saw my frankness as a virtue, and lying and hypocrisy as the worst possible trait I could have… (click on the image above for the full post)

Why is it important to act harmlessly?

When we act from Ahimsa it means not harming others, ourselves or nature; we don't think negatively about others or ourselves; and make sure what we do and how we do it is consistent and harmless… (click image above for full post)

How yoga changed my life

Let me tell you what has happened in my life since I started doing yoga. I will not even write about the benefits to my body, the great improvement in my posture (I have kyphosis since childhood) and other health benefits. I will write about the major changes… (click on the image above for the full post)